Thursday, February 21, 2013

My Fvorite Laday

     The most important person in my life is my grandmother, Jo Ann Runion. Her addictions to social media, cauliflower, and the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills keep her young and sassy as ever. I cannot imagine life without my grandmother.
     From birth my grandmother and I formed a special bond. The day that I was born was the same day that my grandmother had been told that her cancer was gone. From many years of chemotherapy, my grandmother grew very fond of television and the new technical advancements of the late 90's. The long strip of land between Las Vegas, Nevada and Wichita Falls, Texas kept us physically apart but never spiritually. Sending special presents once a month, my grandmother would envelope hand-made cards and meaningful crafts that I would keep until adulthood. She wa always very strategic in her diction ad she would often fabricate stories of mother and her 6 brother and sisters. but alway telling the stories in ways that would aide in remembering them forever.
     Standing 5'3", Jo Ann Runion birthed 6 children, step-mothered 7, and was still a large presence in all of her descendants. With colored hair, ostentatious outfits, matching jewelry and a spicy attitude to pair, my grandmother would be ready to fight anyone who hurt her babies.
     After living in Las Vegas for 40 years, my grandmother moved to Wichita Falls. Living in a one bedroom apartment building, my grandmother fit in very well. She always hated staying inside and needed to be in the open space. She drove a white Honda Elantravall over town trying to find something to do. She chose TJMAXX an Walmart. Thinking she was stepping out of her comfort zone, my grandmother chose cauliflower over broccoli and fell in love with it. Everywhere he went, there was a bag I steamed cauliflower to accompany her. Having a very specific smell, she could not hide it. She brought a bag to the movie theatres, the Olive Garden, and even church.
     Developing the laziness of sayin the full word "grandma" our family shortened it to "G." the nickname still exists today. She is a source of comedic genius and pure musical leadership. Her favorite song is "Rolling in the Deep" by her favorite artist of all time, Adrle. By tapping her fingers I the beat of the drum, my grandmother thought that she was the most beautiful sounding thing in the whole universe. But the bigger reason that G is so special to me is that she never stopped loving me throughout all of the bad things that I did. They just made her love me more because she thought that when someone did something bad, they needed love, and she was always willing to give it to anyone.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

3 QQ's

"Do one thing a day that scares you."
                                          - Eleanor Roosevelt

The significance of this quote is that one should, at least once a day, break out of their norm and do something crazy. It is difficult to break social habits and trends, but to live the life that is desire, one must break those habits. This is meaningful to me because it reminds me that I should not always lives a hermit. I should be doing things that I am not used to and dabbling in the unknown. Particularly, this appeals to me as a teenager because I believe in teenagers living life as if there was no tomorrow. I also believe that teenagers are supposed to make mistakes and learn from them but how are we, as teenagers, ever going to learn if we do not try?

"You Only Live Once"
                              - Drake

This quote is meaningful to me because it was made to appeal to a younger generation. I feel that presently all aspects of media and political presentations are constructed for the 'shaping of America,' meaning raising a youthful generation to become successful. Especially media, I feel is a mainly youth-driven industry. The significance of this quote is that we, as humans, should be living life to the fullest everyday. That we should live life as if we were to die tomorrow. I chose this quote along with the previous quote to compare that there are two different generations telling us to learn from our mistakes and live life as we intend to.

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched- they must be felt with the heart."
                    - Helen Keller

This quote is significant to me because I believe that love is the ultimate gift and cannot be overshadowed by anything else. I am a firm believer in not forgetting those who love you the most. Love is not a material object, it is an emotion. Emotions cannot just be thrown away and forgotten, they must be handled with care. If I were to lose every material object that belonged to me, I would still have the most important thing to me, love. And the only true happiness that will ever be reached in someone's life is accomplished with love.

"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young."
                                                                                    - Austin Devault

I feel that the youth of America are discriminated against because of their age. But, once a generation dies, the next takes over. We, as the youth of America, we're born to make mistakes and learn from them, becoming a better moral person. One does not do things incorrectly because they are young. Many insult the young people of the media for having a good time and living THEIR life. Soon, a young person now, may discover the cure for cancer, or make a architectural discovery that will baffle America. The phrase "you're too young" was always one that aggravated me. I always replied with the question, "Well when will I be old enough?" I am a full supporter in defending in what you believe in. The youth of America will eventually be heard. And there will be a new youth of America with new moral views. Right now, we, as youth, should focus on our future and what we want to become and having fun while doing it.